A Quick Fix to Enhance the Research Skills of a PhD Candidate

Even though research is crucial for PhD, it should not consume all your time. Rather it should give you enough time to actually write effectively what you have researched. Research is not as difficult and challenging as it is made out to be. Scholars can find ways to enhance their research skills by being slightly methodical and logical in their approach. Before you actually begin your research and start working on it heart and soul. You need to have your foundation in pace. Pick up research related skills by doing the following homework before jumping into the research arena:

  • Do a focussed internet research: Do not leave any relevant site that you can find. In the formative stage you may have to do some intensive reading but it will all be worth it when you will get into the real work.

  • Read from all sources: Do not read only from journals. Pick up magazines, books, and blogs so that you are updated and familiar with the right amount of gap that you are intending to fill with y our research. In addition to that, it will update you with the right amount of leads, trends, ideas and jargons currently floating in your research area.

  • Learn from the multimedia options: you can learn from cd, YouTube videos through a structured step by step phase sitting in the comfort of your home in your own time frame. They give you all the information to soak up facts and build up the foundation of your research.

  • List down your doubts and seek expert opinion: Nothing would happen with complete clarity in the first go. Rather a question or doubt in mind is a sign that you are absorbing something. So do not let any doubt go unanswered and list down all your queries when you are doing your foundation building of research skills. Your guide, senior or peer who has a more thorough knowledge of research as compared to you can help you to clear your queries. Do not hesitate to ask the most basic of the questions.

These steps might not make you an expert in a jiffy but will familiarise you with concepts and fundamentals you would otherwise be most alien to in research. This is truer if you are a novice in the field.

Researching is an important part of doing a PhD but doesn’t have to be as scary as thought. Planning ahead and doing your basics right can help to make the task much easier. Take time out to enjoy this phase and gain the expertise that will help you to stand out in your career in the later stages as strength is research skills becomes the USP of an accomplished PhD achiever.

Category : Research
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